with Kathy Skaggs
WORKSHOP IS FULL (waiting list)
February 8, 2025
9:00 - 4:00 pm
Location: Virginia Wesleyan Univ
AMACO educator, Kathy Skags, is coming to present a workshop on silk-screening on clay . She will bring many materials and CDA will provide a mid-fire white clay.
(Refunds given if your spot is filled or event cancelled.)
Member - $20
Non-member - $55
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with Ginger Jenkot
Date: April 12, 2025
Time: 9:00 - 3:00 pm
Location: TBD
​This workshop will show you how to take your own design and create a clay mosaic from it. It might be a photo of a loved one, a pet, nature or wildlife. We will work on how to adapt your design idea to the mosaic format. This will involve planning how the glazing would best suit your design (starting with the end in mind!) Then learn an easy way to transfer your design to a slab. We will also cover how to “glue” the pieces to the substrate after they are bisqued and glaze fired, and then how to grout. The result will be a ‘one of a kind’ clay mosaic.
Member: $30
Non-member: $65